Last Topic of the Year, due by Sunday, June 7:

Perhaps its time to pick out some favorite memories of Pine Point. Let us know about three (or two, or one, or fifty) of your fond memories of your time at our school. Don't worry about choosing a favorite. Just describe a few good memories. (Feel free to do more than one post as memories come back to you.)

Remember to check the rubrics (to the right). Contributions to the forum can be brief, but must be well thought out and carefully written. No typos or grammar errors, please.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Kate's Post

Kate Scott
February 10, 2009
Mr. Salsich
English 9
Magic in my life:
An Essay on the Role Magic has Played in My Life
In my live magic can be anything. It doesn’t have to be fairies or unicorns it can be as simple as laughter. When your best friend makes a joke and you start laughing, that feeling is magical. It brightens your day and makes you feel wonderful. Another thing that is magical in my life is when I make the perfect banana bread. Waiting for it to come out of the oven and smelling that scrumptious (Fast) smell of banana bread is almost as good as eating it. The satisfaction and feeling I get when taking perfectly cooked banana bread out of the oven is magical. Another thing in my life that is magical is reading. When I sit down with a good book I cant put it down until I have finished reading it. For example, while reading the “ Harry Potter” books by J, K. Rowling I felt like somewhere out there Harry Potter was out fighting wizards and saving the world. Books can put you into a trance (Fast) that feels like magic. In my live I can find magic in anything.

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