Last Topic of the Year, due by Sunday, June 7:

Perhaps its time to pick out some favorite memories of Pine Point. Let us know about three (or two, or one, or fifty) of your fond memories of your time at our school. Don't worry about choosing a favorite. Just describe a few good memories. (Feel free to do more than one post as memories come back to you.)

Remember to check the rubrics (to the right). Contributions to the forum can be brief, but must be well thought out and carefully written. No typos or grammar errors, please.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ceilie's Post

Who am I? What does having the name Cecilia Moore mean? Who do I wake up as and who do I go to sleep being? Who was I in the past and how does that affect who I am now? I am a daughter, a sister, and a friend. I was once a toddler who managed to break an antique chandelier with a candlestick, and then stand in the aftermath of glass without a flaw on my skin. I was a careless kid who came home with bruises on her knees and scraps on her elbows after a long day of playing. I was a young girl who, as any third-born naturally would, grew a love for the stage and all eyes on her as she performed anything from cartwheels to dances. From those past beings I have evolved into who I am today. I have become a girl who couldn't survive without her best friends. A girl who loves the exhilarating feeling of freedom as she darts across the playing field, and can't help but feel pride as she paints a final stroke on a piece of art that she has worked so rigorously on.  I've become a girl who has a terrible habit of laughing at the exact wrong time. A girl who tears up during sad movies and bawls through the credits. A girl that hates talking about any emotion but happiness that she may feel. A girl who loves finding sand in her old beach bag in the middle of winter because of all the memories it brings back. A girl who loves to read but manages to be unbelievably slow at it. A girl who believes in stars and dreams coming true and that we'll all be happy in the end.  That's who you see walking down the hallway between classes and have seen for her past ten years at Pine Point. That is Cecilia Moore. 

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