Last Topic of the Year, due by Sunday, June 7:

Perhaps its time to pick out some favorite memories of Pine Point. Let us know about three (or two, or one, or fifty) of your fond memories of your time at our school. Don't worry about choosing a favorite. Just describe a few good memories. (Feel free to do more than one post as memories come back to you.)

Remember to check the rubrics (to the right). Contributions to the forum can be brief, but must be well thought out and carefully written. No typos or grammar errors, please.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Scarlet's Paragraph

Scarlet Caruso
English 9
Hamilton Salsich

Magic In Life
An essay about the magic in The Tempest and how it is in everday life:

Magic is always around us. It's in the sublime (FAST) blue sky, it's in the large hug you receive from a friend, and it's in the feeling you get when you listen to your favorite song.(ANAPHORA) I often witness small magic things in my life. For example, I was sitting in math class one day and I was extremely restless, legs twitching and brain full of daydreams, I looked out of the window. While looking outside, I thought about how much I despise the winter but then I saw icicles hanging off the walkway. The sun had caught them just right and the water droplets dripping off of them looked like tears of light. There in a regular math class, I experienced magic. Another thing I find quite magical are books. Just the other night I was reading, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K Rowling and I found myself petrified (FAST) of a certain character. Lord Voldemort is one of the most terrifying and powerful wizards in the wizarding world and I found myself fearing him as much as the wizards and witches in the book do. That night I slept with the lights on, completely fearful of a certain wizard visiting me in the night. Yet another example of magic, an author creating emotions so powerful that you feel them along with the characters. My final example of magic I have found in friendship. This past summer for two weeks I found myself abandoned from my three very best friends. I understood that they could not stay with me for all of those warm months, so I accepted it. For those two weeks I desperately wished to talk to any of them and then one day I got a call from my friend that was away at camp. To hear her voice and to laugh hysterically yet again was magic. My mood was lifted to a new height and I was very happy for the next few days. I again experienced a tiny bit of magic from an everyday thing. Magic is everywhere, although we may not realize it, magic shows itself to us everyday. All you need to do is look out a window, pick up a book, or call a friend. All of these things can bring you true magic.

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