Last Topic of the Year, due by Sunday, June 7:

Perhaps its time to pick out some favorite memories of Pine Point. Let us know about three (or two, or one, or fifty) of your fond memories of your time at our school. Don't worry about choosing a favorite. Just describe a few good memories. (Feel free to do more than one post as memories come back to you.)

Remember to check the rubrics (to the right). Contributions to the forum can be brief, but must be well thought out and carefully written. No typos or grammar errors, please.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Anna's Post

As our time at Pine Point comes to a close, my motivation to keep on living up to my academic potential is addressed in Julie's post. I don't want to look back at Pine Point with regrets, knowing I wasted the last, precious moments i had at a place I've called home for years. I don't want to know that I fell apart as I took my final steps towards graduation. However, I think it is also important for students (and teachers) to remember that leaving Pine Point "on a good note" does not only pertain to academic achievement and classroom focus. I want to leave Pine Point with appreciation for the school, with love for my classmates, and with enjoyable memories to look back on. I don't want to remember a month of drowning in homework and struggling to pay attention. However important it is to hold our minds together for the last month of school, we must not forget that there is more to a Pine Point experience than getting good grades. We must leave with enthusiasm for the school itself.

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