Last Topic of the Year, due by Sunday, June 7:

Perhaps its time to pick out some favorite memories of Pine Point. Let us know about three (or two, or one, or fifty) of your fond memories of your time at our school. Don't worry about choosing a favorite. Just describe a few good memories. (Feel free to do more than one post as memories come back to you.)

Remember to check the rubrics (to the right). Contributions to the forum can be brief, but must be well thought out and carefully written. No typos or grammar errors, please.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Scarlet's Post

I have no advice for my classmates because I am completely helpless. Over the past three years I have heard the 9th graders complain about how much they hate this school. I have always questioned them, "How can you hate Pine Point?!" Until now. Now I completely understand this. I hate homework. I hate math quizzes. I hate listening to the teachers tell us that we need to stop slacking off. I hate the fact that all I do is hate. All the hate makes me want to get up in the middle of French class and run for as long and fast as I can. The young and naive voice of my past is now replace by anger constantly ringing and buzzing in my ears.

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