Last Topic of the Year, due by Sunday, June 7:

Perhaps its time to pick out some favorite memories of Pine Point. Let us know about three (or two, or one, or fifty) of your fond memories of your time at our school. Don't worry about choosing a favorite. Just describe a few good memories. (Feel free to do more than one post as memories come back to you.)

Remember to check the rubrics (to the right). Contributions to the forum can be brief, but must be well thought out and carefully written. No typos or grammar errors, please.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Olivia's Post

Furbies on a plane

Gabe with his random "comments"

in general people laughing at my stupid jokes or just laughing at me for laughing at something stupid that they don't get

Parker's Turkey noise in French class

Tristan's awesome taste in music


England and France

Pascal! and Adrien!

The French kids

The songs that Anna, ceilie, and scarlet sang about pascal

There are way many more meories but I seriously can't think right now!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Thinking about it, the memories don't seem to come back as nicely constructed paragraphs at all, not even as poorly constructed paragraphs, but more like the lists that people have made, each one scrambling to climb over the one before it. So hear is a "brief" list of those memories. In no discernible order. Sorry.
  • Helping Tristan "The Hamburgler" make his way closer to God in the English hostel.
  • "Kimo, you just killed my hopes and dreams; I'll have respect for you tomorrow."
  • "Kimo, that's red, red is different."
  • "It's counter intuitive, it's a multistep process."
  • Being repeatedly typecast in plays.
  • Furbies on a Plane
  • Trail running with Mrs. Iacoi.
  • The big cave thing in the Ramparts in Carter Notch.
  • Tristan and everything one who saw him
  • Doc getting excited at a soccer game
  • Beating Cutler in soccer last fall
  • Science and History class with Doctor Tate
  • Having a history class about torture
  • "2 MINUTES!!"- Gabe
  • Puns
  • "Well, it's not easy, but it's fun to look at."- Ed Burger
  • Mrs. Cogan's opera
  • Advisory with Ms. Lozis
  • Mrs. Mitchell!
  • "Yes, a complicated camera for complicated people. Oh sorry." - Eleanor
  • Pamplamouse, and everything else we yelled in French class
  • Lopper Losers
  • Grey Zone
  • Discussing Lord of the Rings in detail with Eleanor, Kyle and Christina.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Kyle's Post

I really enjoy Ceilie's idea of listing a memory with everyone so I'm going list quotes from some of my favorite moments.

Sarah-(There are waaaaay too many for me to remember with you so i picked that time at Caroline's) "Kolt, wheres mom?" "Building a fort?"- "Ewww their like the webbing on the inside of your fingers."


TY-"I make it beautiful." "I make it Sexy."

Tristan-"You have no right to be mad at me. You had an afro that means you had a responsibility."

Hannah-"I had to take a long pee, but then I had to cut it short."

Teddy-Just watching you absolutely decapitate your frog in 7th grade.

Ceilie-"Wow Mr. Mitchell the crickets didn't even show up for that one." (There are also no words for the time you broke the sink in 7th grade.)

Scarlet-"We are now in the womb of the giant snake and we will soon be exiting through the ___."-"I bash your face in!"

Gabe-"I just want to dance in a bowl of Cocacola."

Parker-"I'll keep my pants on for you Kyle." (In France)

Lydia-"They may sometimes be described as 'sneaky'. We don't know what they're up to."

Timmy-Watching you and Lydia use sign language during advisory.

Anna-"I didn't realize the pictures of sharks were going to be that funny." (Also I'm not positive it was you, but in like 5th grade I shared nicknames like "Soup" and "Shooku" with two other people)


Kimo-"I have so much respect for you right now." (France Boom)

Zack-"Kyle who do you think will rule the world first?" (this is from like 2nd grade w/ Christina)

Olivia-"I really wanna put eyeliner on you." (Awkward lol)

Eleanor-"Eleanor you, Zack, and I are all going to go over your house and watch Christina while she's competing in the Olympics."

Kate-"I wonder if theres a Hannah Montana for every race." (yes kate i realize i edited this a 'lil.)

Caroline-"You definitely have terrets and don't know it."

Wendell-"I always follow your models Mr. Salsich." (Wasn't actually there, but heard about it)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Ceilie's Post

After ten long years of attending Pine Point with all of my classmates, there is not enough time in the world or space in this text box to even begin describing all of the laughable, enjoyable, emotional and incredible memories I have made with all twenty one of them. So instead, I decided to choose a special memory (but certainly not the only one) that I have always and will always remember them by. 

Anna- Attempting to order Thai food and lacking basic social skills in the process 
Caroline-All the hayrides at your Halloween party...and this year when my dad sat in the part on the bulldozer where dirt and stuff would go...that was interesting. (You thought I was going to say Chasing Geese weren't you?)
Eleanor- Kidz Bop-ing on the ride home from that lacrosse game
Gabe-Ceremony of the Keys and then your post-ceremony "Third Wind" and you occasionally pretending to be a revolving door in Math class
Hannah-All those times we studied French in Doc's Office...
Julie- You and Clement interacting in general in France was one of the funniest things I have ever seen...and all the things he yelled in English
Kate-That sleepover at your house a few summers ago when we played Rose Bud and Thorn. "Rose, well you're loud. Um, Bud, you could work on being quieter and Thorn, you're loud."
Kimo-You and Anna singing "How to Raise a Child" (I know I wasn't really a part of that but it was a real treasure)
Kyle- Making that movie at Ethan's house with the Monk call...and the image of you playing Nerf guns with Adrien
Lydia-.....that time you texted me as I was writing your tribute was sorta funny...I guess?
Olivia-French class...enough said
Parker-Every M.M.A.D meeting in the underground lair ever...and pretending to be riding bicycles when we really weren't in England
Rashad- You, me and Lydia singing the "Castle on a Cloud" solo (This actually only happened in my dreams, but it will become a reality one day) 
Sarah- Talent Show of '05 when The Cheetah Girls performed their first and final concert
Scarlet-Me in a homemade fat suit+ ball+ weird kids from across the road+blind person glasses=uncomfortable (literally) situation 
Teddy-Painting those dot pictures in second grade (not quite sure if you remember this one but I sure do. It was awesome.)
Timmy-That time way back when when you taught me how to drive the Gator (Don't tell Lydia but she was merely an assistant while you were the true teacher.)
Tristan-No words. 
Ty-A little something called "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL" I don't know if you've ever heard of it but for some reason it makes me think of you.
Wendell-FCD After Hours Partay!
Zack- That time in Ms. Lozis' advisory when you fell in out of your chair

Scarlet's Memories

As many of us have said I have so many wonderful memories that I could not possibly right them all down. Thus, I will talk about one of my favorite of this past year. For dinner one night on our trip to Martha's Vineyard we got pizza and went out to Gayhead Beach. As the sun was setting we all chowed down devouring $300 worth of pizza in 10 minutes. (Probably our best record yet) Stuffed to the brim, we began making our way down to the beach, some of us by piggy back, some of us "parkouring" and some of us walking and talking slowly. When we made it down to the beach it was a breathtaking sight. The gorgeous orange sun was colliding with the dark blue ocean. We all were talking and laughing (and missing Eleanor=(...) It was probably one of the best memories of the Class of 2009 but there are so many others that come close!

Lydia's second post

As I’m reading all these posts I’m remembering a lot of other memories I want to share so I shall list them AHORA (sorry for any repeats, there were some I couldn’t not mention):

- Spelunking at Camp Whiteman
- Pictionary with Rashad, Anna, Ceilie, and Scarlet
- Our life jacket circle on the boat (sorry Ceilie)
- Kyle’s and my stories is forth grade typing class
- Lab partners with Timmy last year- come on Eileen!
- Timmy and me dominating at tarjetas dobles
- Un boom
- Man with a plan
- The bus shooting
- Honduras
- Sneaker night in Honduras (“Thomas, what are you doing?” “Uh.. coming to your sneaker night”)
- Choosing Mrs. Cogan :)
- The mountain trip (MOUNTAIN PIRATES!!!!)/ riddles on the mountain trip
- That class social at Caroline’s house when we kept calling Bill Hagen towel boy
- Pine cobble and bement
- Rashad and me dissecting our frog in seventh grade
- Discovery girls/ national geographic kids (such a loooong dog)
- The garden party
- Scarlet looking like George Gershwin
- K/1 family night
- Anchorman quotes with Tristan in 6th grade
- Tristan in general (I love you tristan)
- That one seussical rehearsal that was really fun
- Faculty basketball game
- Sign language (I pray for your dark dead blue nickel bacon pudding)
- Girl talk in England- one of the best nights ever
- Run DMC tribute band
- ZOX concert with Scarlet :)
- Joseph’s movie previews
- Xan’s many colors of pants
- Bling day
- “it always feels like somebody’s watching me!”
- quassszzzz
- NCAA lax tournaments (woot)
- Reading to timmy and parker in Tuesday study hall
- Snuggle club
- Playing with the toys in the art room
- Those egg cars we made in fifth grade
- 9:47- we are family!
- Condricthyes slideshow- sharks have never been so funny
- The gang behind the mosh pit killings
- Bird reports
- That picture of me making a birdhouse in second grade
- EVAN!!!!!
- Lord of the rings
- Steffen kuscera
- The very silly song
- Talking about alumnae
- Will wanting a girl with a short skirt and a loooooong jacket
- Our last lacrosse game
- Building the fire pit/ driving the gator
- Carving pumpkins with the French kids
- “she cut two holes: one for her eye, one for her shotgun”
- the people kate and I stayed with at pine cobble
- 7th grade beach day
- Eraser cap earrings
- Judy Moody
- Passing notes in second grade with ceilie
- How hot IS george clooney?
- Everything else that I didn’t mention

Sorry this is kindof annoyingly extensive but I didn’t want to leave any out. Thank you so much class of ’09 (and ’08 and ’10) for all these wonderful memories! I love you guys

Class of 2009

Here are some more memories:
*making ice cream in the 5th grade
* my first overnight trip to Camp Whiteman
* The Sleepover (a play written and acted out by me, Sarah, Timmy and Tristan)
* Alton Jones
* Laughing with Jackson Hallberg about Tabor on the way to a Field Hockey game
* Bement and Pine Cobble Tournaments
* Advisory with Dr. Tate
* dddoooogggg, amino acid
* french vs. spanish kickball games
* England Trip
* singing with stained glass in the white mountains
* our party with the french kids
*singing the french national anthem
* Greek Play (antigone)
* rick astley/tool/fail/ lol cats
* 9th grade/ faculty game
* Ms. Holths baby shower (shopping, invites, diaper wreath)
* doc teacher Sarah to fox trot during study hall
* watching twilight zone
* getting injured in pretty much every game I have played
* making rockets in 6th grade
* Mr. Salsich singing to us
* carnival and seeing Mr. Mitchell in the dunking booth
* Going to Watch Hill or Caroline's house for a lot of our socials/ beach days
* "one day i'm going to be president Dr.Tate" -olivia
"i'll be dead and won't care!" - Dr. Tate
* working with Sarah on almost every Science project in the seventh grade
* Making a latin play/ opera with Anna
* Dance project with julie
* my amazing boat group!
*  Going to Providence Place with all of the french kids
* having flex class with the little kids
* Caroline being crazy in Martha's Vineyard
* going swimming in Martha's Vineyard
* Sarah and I obsessing over the Jonas Brothers and everyone getting sick of us
* When our bus got shot in DC
* going shopping almost everyday in DC
* getting competitive with each other on game day in math
* Ceilie falling off the big toy in fifth grade
* Christine Kong making sarah and I cookie dough 
* studying french in Doc's back room
* scarlet, anna and I doing a skit in french class
 There are still many more but I think I will stop now since my list is getting a little to long. But as you can see the class of 2009 has given me a lot to look back on and I thank them for that and I am going to miss them all  immensely. 

Sarahs Post=]

Here is a list of (most) of my fond memories from Pine Point School-

* Visiting Tom in England
* Playing tag in the gym while waiting for our Drug Awareness thing
* Riding the tricycle around the old preschool building
* Alton Jones/ Camp Whiteman
* Every spanish class EVER (especially playing Tarjetas Doubles)
* "The Sleepover" play Hannah, Tristan, Timmy and I wrote in fifth grade
* The way home from Pine Cobble, singing to past songs
* Watching Zack Edwards feed his frogs intestines to his frog after he destroyed it (dissected it)
* The way to a soccer game, seeing Ben Stiller smoking
* The car ride back from some field trip, when Tamsy took a wrong turn and we got stuck in the car for an extra hour, and turned the backseat into a personal wrestling match
* Having a goodbye ice cream bar for Tom
* Listening to Mrs. Ansel play to Banjo
* Beating Mr. Manganello in knock-out
* Faculty b-ball game
* Rashad getting stuck in the bathroom in DC
* Listening to Mr. Salsich serenade us with his fine music
* Getting off topic with Mr. Williams
* Bus ride home with Sean and Dan Maren
* Going to Ethan's cabana for like every beach day
* Dressing Timmy up as a Hannah Montana cowgirl for la clase de espanol
* Beauty and the Beast- "Lucky 'girl' !"
* Suessical- fun times all around! 
* Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- the scary oompa loompas, "I don't need to go to college, I don't feel like I need to go to college!"
* Watching Caroline laugh so helplessly in Martha's Vineyard
* Girl Talk in England
* Listening to Lydia and Ceilie read us pathetic stories from Discovery girls
* Our fail seventh grade play

And so much more I can't think of! I love all of you and will cherish these memories forever!